We empower organizations with data-driven insights


We support organizations with data tools and services on their journey from data to insight.

Our team has already supported over 75 companies on their way to becoming data-driven organizations. Among them are well-known organizations such as Swiss Life, Energie Wasser Bern (ewb) and Homegate.

Who are we?

Novalytica brings together a team of highly skilled and ambitious individuals with experience in economics, fi­nance, statistics, physics and real estate and a pas­sion for data. Our goal is to simplify access to data-driven decisions with user-friendly data tools. As an of­ficial Microsoft PowerBI-Partner we are your reliable partner for any analytics challenge with Power BI or within the Microsoft Azure-Environment.

Contact us


Our clients and partners

Our values

The client comes first!

■ We put the benefits of our clients before our own
■ We always maintain high standards for client services

We are curious!

■ Innovation is key
■ We are interested in new ideas and new technology
■ We have a passion for data and what can be done with it

Can do attitude & results driven

■ We take on tasks
■ We take on full ownership and responsibility
■ We focus on the ultimate outcome not on the journey

Appreciation, trust & honesty

■ We appreciate the contribution of each team member
■ We have an open feedback culture and can take on feedback
■ We communicate openly and honestly

Contact us


Novalytica in the medias

The Team

Dr. Massimo Mannino
Dr. Thomas Spycher
Dr. Roman Liesch
Senior Data Scientist
Marina Arnold
Business Development
Nicolas Schuler
Data Scientist
Dr. André Kaderli
Senior Data Scientist
Iryna Levytska
Data Analyst
Oleksandr Shevchenko
Data Engineer
Andy Gubser
Senior Data Scientist
Vladyslav Rezohlazov
Data Engineer
Corina Spreiter
Data Scientist
Mykhailo Iasinskyi
Data Analyst
Dr. Timothy Frei
Senior Data Scientist
Benjamin Studer
Senior Project Manager / Data Scientist
Anna-Lena Klaus
Senior Data Scientist
Keegan Evangelista
Data Scientist
Marija Babić
Data Scientist
Filip Krištofiak
Data Engineer
Adele Bortoletti
Data Science Intern
Armando Peyer
Business Development Intern
Alex Schoch
Geschäftsführer Uhoo
Passion for data?
Join us!
Marija Babić
Data Scientist
Yves Grädel
Data Scientist Intern
Alex Schoch
Geschäftsführer Uhoo

Passion for creating value from data?


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