Energy data collection

Smart collection and management of ESG data with co2lect

Want to collect and manage your energy data efficiently and create ESG reportings based on it?

Collecting, processing and reporting ESG data is complex and time-consuming. With our smart application co2lect, it is easy to collect all relevant energy data and other consumption data (water, waste). Everything else is fully automated: the precise processing and quality check of the data as well as the calculation of the desired KPIs for ESG reportings.

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co2lect: Smart ESG data management

co2lect is a comprehensive, smart application that enables property owners to collect, manage and report energy data and other consumption data (water, waste) centrally in one place. At the same time, co2lect offers flexible and simple options for integrating ESG data from various sources. All integrated data is processed fully automatically. As soon as all the required data is available, the desired key figures or a specific ESG report can be generated with just one click.

Smart reading of consumption bills

co2lect can integrate data from various sources. Do you only have invoices? co2lect’s intelligent algorithm can capture data directly from PDFs or even scans of invoices. The relevant data from the invoices is recognised, read and structured using the latest AI technology. A quality check ensures that the correct information is integrated into the database.

Your advantages with co2lect

Collect various ESG data, regardless whether it comes from a source system, an Excel Sheet or you enter it directly to co2lect

Automate dataflows and let co2lect calculate your KPIs for various reporting standards and even filling out complete templates

Visualize your energy consumption and CO2emissions now and in the future to keep track of your goal to Net Zero.

Ensure high data quality standards with integrated data quality checks and transparent data quality reporting.

Analyze your data in interactive dashboards to take green data-driven decisions.

Ensure highest standards in auditability with transparent documentation of data processing steps

Supported reportings

European Sustainability
Reporting Standards

ESG-Kennzahlen für

CO2 Absenkpfad

Weitere Kennzahlen

From collecting to reporting energy data: co2lect covers all the necessary steps

1. Data collection

Simple, user-friendly collection and integration of ESG data on energy, water and waste via input mask, data upload or API interface. Are only invoices available? The intelligent algorithm in co2lect can capture the data directly from PDFs or even scans of invoices.

2. Data processing

co2lect cleans and structures the integrated ESG data. The processed data is then linked together and checked for quality using various checks. All data integrated into co2lect is also historised to track developments and identify potentially erroneous data points.

3. KPI calculation and generating reports

In the next step, the desired KPIs are calculated from the verified ESG data and prepared in the required format (e.g. GRESB, DGNB). The smart preparation of the data in interactive reports enables users to analyse it quickly and easily in detail. Graphics and data tables can be easily exported or integrated into presentations.

The measurability and traceability of sustainability goals is playing an increasingly important role for real estate owners. Members of the Asset Management Association Switzerland (AMAS) are required to publish all environment-related key figures in a standardised format. There are also binding standards at European level in the form of the EU Taxonomy and the CSRD. However, the reporting of ESG data is very time-consuming and laborious, as the necessary data is often stored in different data sources or has to be collected in a structured manner in the first place. The manual collection and preparation of data for the various standards and benchmarks is time-consuming and, above all, error-prone. ESG Data Management can automate these processes and guarantee high data quality at the same time. This frees up resources to focus on the essentials: analysing the data and optimising the building stock.

If the necessary data is available, co2lect can be used for any reporting standard. co2lect can be used to fill in individual KPIs (e.g. according to AMAS, KGAST, ASIP, ESRS) as well as complete templates (e.g. GRESB Asset Spreadsheet, REIDA Template) or generate a complete ESG report (e.g. sustainability section for the annual report).
We always aim to automate processes as much as possible. Various data is already available in source systems (e.g. area data). Wherever possible, our aim is to have direct access to the source system in order to minimise manual effort. Alternatively, the data can be exported from the systems as structured Excel/CSV or PDF files and thus integrated into co2lect. Some of the data required for ESG reporting does not yet have a source system (e.g. energy data, waste). This data can be recorded in a structured manner using specific input masks in our co2lect application or the option to upload Excel/CSV files. For energy data from consumption bills, we have also developed an intelligent algorithm that can read the energy data from invoices.

The collection of energy data is crucial for ESG reporting. Our smart ESG application co2lect supports you in the collection, management, processing and quality control of your consumption data (energy, water, heat).

More and more owners are collecting their energy data via smart meters. The data can be aggregated and integrated directly into co2lect. If no smart meter solution is yet available, some of the data can be obtained directly from the energy company in structured form or there is an interface to their source system.

Until all data collection processes are automated, consumption bills often remain the only source of data. To avoid having to laboriously read these out by hand, we have developed an intelligent AI-based algorithm that can automatically read the data from PDF invoices or even scans of invoices and integrate it directly into co2lect.

A combination of human and artificial intelligence is used to automatically check the quality of the data integrated into the ESG infrastructure. These are rule-based and check, for example, whether a value is within the defined range of last year’s value. On the other hand, outliers in the data are identified, i.e. data points that deviate significantly from the general mean are reported.

The results of the various data quality checks are processed in an interactive quality report. This report enables to quickly find errors and warnings in the data.

The pressure for sustainability from investors is also increasing for smaller property owners. Various associations such as AMAS, KGAST and ASIP have defined environment-related KPIs that must be published. European standards such as DNK or ESRS have also defined reporting guidelines. All standards now require detailed data on the energy consumption of all properties in the portfolio.

Often, smaller companies in particular do not have standardised processes for collecting this data, and the data is collected manually in a time-consuming process. This is not only time consuming but also prone to error.

Our data infrastructure and the associated co2lect application are flexible and can be tailored to individual requirements. For example, if only the AMAS KPIs are relevant, the data infrastructure is correspondingly smaller and primarily processes all energy consumption data. Automating the data collection and KPI calculation processes saves a lot of time and ensures high data quality.

Our ESG data infrastructure can also be continuously adapted to new and growing needs by integrating new data sources and generating additional metrics.

Your contact

Dr. Massimo Mannino

+41 44 508 16 89

Do you have questions about the collection of energy data or ESG reporting, or are you looking for a customised solution?

We would be happy to discuss your needs in a personal meeting.

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