Novalytica develops tax calculator for

February 11, 2021

The real estate platform is the leading Swiss provider to advertise and search for real estate. In addition to comprehensive services related to home search and marketing, homegate offers users additional information, checklists and tools in the area of relocation planning.

In this context, Novalytica has developed a tax calculator on behalf of, which allows users to calculate the tax difference between the current and the new place of residence with just a few key data. The calculator is based on official tax data and takes into account regional legislation for calculating taxes. The data basis is updated annually and legal changes are also taken into account.

The clear operation of the calculator simplifies the comparison of different municipalities and includes a detailed breakdown of the different tax rates. The services offered by homegate around housing are completed by the tool developed and operated by Novalytica and improve the user experience of homegate users.

Try out the tax calculator at this link.

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